Monday, February 16, 2009


The group was fortunate enough today to visit 2 key energy organizations in Paris today, EDF and IEA.  EDF is an international electricity company with operations in the UK, Germany, China and France.  We spoke to folks from the R & D area who showed us what they do and what they are currently working on.  In the afternoon, we went to the IEA which is associated with the OECD.  Two analysts spoke to the students about how the reference scenario derived.  The process is quite involved with many variables to consider.  Energy demand will increase toward 2030.  The challenge for the world and world governments is how to meet supply and meet climate change goals.  This is the trillion dollar question.

To get to our visits today, we used the public transportation.  i think that this is the best way to enjoy any city as you get to mingle with the locals.

Dinner tonight was crepes and for dessert - crepes.  Crepes are pretty yummy.  We haven't lost anyone yet.  We visit AREVA on Tuesday and leave for Lille in the afternoon.

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