Sunday, February 15, 2009

first couple of days

After a 10 hour flight through Montreal, the student's, Prof Doucet and myself landed in Paris.  Local time 9:20 am.  Tired and groggy, we made it to our hotel in the 12th district.  The MBA students on this trip are Chun, Chris, Charlene, Jessica, Raj, Sujatha, Pankaj and Tao. Adesiji Rabiu, a MBA NR&E (2008) has also joined us on this study tour.

First task of the day, stay up until the night to get bodies adjusted to local time.  sure sounded easy but my body is smarter than my brain. 

After we checked in, we went down to the Latin quarter for lunch.  We ended up at an Italian restaurant.  Tao ordered the local specialty, pizza with egg.  Ok, i like eggs for breakfast in an omelet, or scrambled or in a sandwich and i've even drank egg whites when i am looking for protein but on a pizza???  Tao seemed to like it so i shouldn't knock it until i try it.  after lunch the group split up, one group went to the Sacre-cour, one went for a boat ride down the Seine where i and Prof Doucet went for a walk toward the Lourve. This is my second time in Paris with the first time being along time ago.  I don't remember much from that first visit so this time is like rediscovering the city again.  Hello Eiffel tower, hello Arc de Triomphe hello Notre Dame.  i've missed you.  i like big being in big cities and Paris is a big city.  big cities have style. big cities have culture and big cities have a good metro.  Who needs a car when you can get to anywhere in the city in 20 minutes or less by metro?  Paris is also very clean.  Parisians - i would take great pride in how clean the city is.  Well done.

On Monday, we are off to EdF which is the national electricity company and the International Energy Agency.

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