Thursday, February 19, 2009

Paris, Sunday Feb. 15 & Monday Feb 16

The week has almost come to an end and our European Energy Tour has been, so far, very interesting enlightening successful.

Sunday February 15, 2009 was particularly uniquely interesting for me!  I arrived in Paris, from London, and took a taxi to my hotel.  After check-in I realized that I had “forgotten” my wallet in the taxiL  I turned “red” and was unable to think for about half a minute.  When I “returned” from my “coma,” I decided to give VISA and Mastercard (MC) quick calls to report my situation and to request that all credit transactions on them should be declined until further notice.   After 70 minutes, since I entered my room, I was still on the phone waiting for a MC agent when I heard a pleasant hard bang on my door… behold it was the receptionist… and the cabbie had returned my wallet and its contents intactJ   I felt like I just won a big lottery prize!  And subsequently, I felt my pulse and body temperature returning to normal levels. 

This experience, including the expression of love and honesty demonstrated by the cabbie has really changed my perception and impression of France and the French.


PARIS, France

On Monday, the group of eleven visited and discussed with senior staff at Electricite de France Research & Development in CLAMART and the International Energy Agency (IEA) near the Eiffel Tower.  We talked about analysis and electricity market structure in Europe versus the US, including economic and energy strategies.


Tuesday [February 17]… we visited AREVA’s HQ in central Paris.  AREVA, world’s #1 in the entire nuclear cycle and #3 in electricity transmission and distribution domain did a superb job in hosting us and in sharing its strategy “to set the standard in CO2-free generation and electric transmission and distribution.”   Traveled to Lille, France [1hr on the fast train (RAILEUROPE)].

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