Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lille, Brussels & The Hague [Feb 17, 18 & 19]

LILLE, France  & BRUSSELS, Belgium

Wednesday [February 18]… we were well received by EDHEC business school in Lille, France, where we presented topics including Alberta’s perspective on Energy and Environment, Alberta’s latest initiative on “Land Reclamation Incentives” and Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS).  EDHEC students, professors and coordinators at the business school gave a treat to a fantastic dinner and shared their opinions and the Europeans Union’s (EU) position on Energy, Environment and Emissions Trading issues.    Travel to Brussels, Belgium was easy and under one hour on the fast train from Lille.


BRUSSELS, Belgium  &  The HAGUE, Netherlands

Thursday [February 19]…  we had a great and exciting time at the European Commission (BEAULIEU) in the morning discussing issues on 1) International climate negotiations & policy 2) EU’s domestic climate policy 3) Carbon markets, and the review of the EU electronic trading system (ETS) legislation.   Later in the afternoon we were hosted by the Canadian Embassy in Brussels to talk about how Canadian trade interests are promoted in Belgium and Luxembourg, and how the Canadian government is working with European institutions on Energy and Environment issues.  Travel to The Hague, Netherlands was pleasant and lasted two hours on the fast train from Brussels.

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